Our Vision and Values

Our Vision: Equitable Service and Quality Health Care for All

Our Values:

Stewardship: We are stewards of public resources striving to optimize efficiency while ensuring quality health care and sustainable operations.

Excellence: We strive for excellence in all aspects of health care delivery, constantly seeking to improve processes and the patient experience.

Respect: We treat every individual with respect, dignity, and compassion regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation or legal status.

Visibility: We promote transparency in our operations, communications and decision-making processes to continually build and maintain a culture of accountability with patients, staff, and the communities we serve

Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards, fostering trust in all interactions.

Collaboration: We work together as a multidisciplinary team, that breaks down barriers to ensure optimal care.

Empowerment: We encourage patients to actively participate in their care while also giving staff members agency to leverage their expertise and continuously improve.